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How To Speak French Learn French From Basic

French is a Romance language spoken by approximately 175 million people worldwide. Today, it is used in countries all over the world including France, Belgium, Canada, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Monaco, Algeria, Cameroon, Haiti, Lebanon, Madagascar, Martinique, Monaco, Morocco, Niger, Senegal, Tunisia, Vietnam, and is an official language in 29 countries as well as various international institutions such as the United Nations and European Union. It is often regarded as one of the most beautiful and romantic languages in the world and, as a foreign language, is the second most frequently taught language in the world after English.

Speaking Basic French
  1. Memorize a new phrase or two every day and use them as part of your daily speech. Start by learning the more common and well-known words and phrases, including:
  • Bonjour - bon-jshor
Hello / Good day
  •     Bonsoir - bon-swarh
 Good evening
  •  Bonne nuit - bon-nwee
  •     Au revoir - ohr-vwah 
  •     Salut - sa-loo
Hi / Bye [informal]
  •     S'il vous plaît - see voo play
Please [formal]
  •     S'il te plaît - see te play
Please [informal]
  • Merci (beaucoup) - mair-see (boh-koo)
Thank you (very much)
  • Je vous en prie - zhuh voo zawn pree
You're Welcome [formal]
  •  De rien - duh ree-ahn
You're welcome [informal]

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